Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Paternity Testing: Why So Trendy

Paternity testing seems to be a very hot item on the market, but

when did Paternity testing become so trendy, and why?

Paternity testing according to wiki.answers.com is genetic testing to determine

what percentage likelihood a man is the biological father of a given child.


Another source Wikipedia, defines Parental testing as DNA profiling to

determine if two persons have a biological parent-child relationship and the

Paternity (DNA) test establishes that proof.

on the other hand is defined by The Free Dictionary as:

1. the state of being a father; fatherhood.

2. Descent on a father's side; paternal descent.

Paternity is a very important relationship that many children are deprived of.

To correct that pattern, a wide selection of testing is available to choose from,

priced as low as under one hundred bucks, (if not done at accredited facilities),

yet some children still grow up, past their third birthday, not knowing their father.

When Was DNA Paternity Testing Developed?

Wiki answers.com answers this question: In 1985 British Geneticist, Sir Alec John Jeffreys, developed techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA genome sequencing which in turn led to tests for testing [b]Paternity[/b].


One paternity resource states and I quote: "Paternity testing has come a long way in the past decade,"

because while we only hear about Genetic testing only identifying a man as the father of a child it can

also exclude a man as the father of a child.


Some Reasons For Having A Paternity Test

Infidelity in relationships have been occurring for many centuries, as has fidelity.

However; when trust erodes and a child is conceived, it is likely that a partner requests

a Paternity test to avoid the possibility of Paternity fraud.

Where there have been infidelity, and a Paternity test was not done, many men have,

in the past, unknowingly fathered children they did not conceive, only to discover many years later.

In related instances, women have been abandoned by their men once they learned she was

pregnant and those have claimed that the child that she was carrying belonged to someone else.

(Do Continue With The Article After Viewing The Link Below.)

Here's what sounds like someone's personal experience.

Paternity testing has become trendy, because it serves a very useful purpose

not only for the male spouse with the cheating partner, but it also

serves to provide proof and confidence for an abandoned partner seeking

the re-involvement of an uninterested parent in his child.

The American Pregnancy Association agrees that some women with multiple partners will

naturally seek paternity testing to:

  • know for sure who the child's father is,
  • find peace of mind, as well as to
  • secure financial and emotional support from that person.

Other reasons also involve

  • discovering about the health history of the child and
  • raising any abnormalities in the child's medical history that would have otherwise

been missed.(http://citomation.org)

Why is Paternity testing so trendy? This question can be answered in many

ways not limited to answers one can accumulate from viewing the

Maury Povich and Jerry Springer shows. And while these shows

may make you believe that identifying a child's father is the only

reason a Paternity test is sought and Paternity test is only for those

kind of people with multiple partners, that is so not true.

In conclusion Paternity testing is for every couple expecting a child,

whether trust is eroded in their relationship, or their trust is intact.

According to my research, the well being of a child is also

provided by looking into his medical history, and that to me, is the

ultimate purpose why Paternity testing is trendy. In addition,

it has to be that after the discovery of such information that

Paternity Testing became even more trendy.

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