Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paternity - It Should Not Be A Disgrace

Paternity should not be a disgrace.

Sometimes from the things I see
around me I have to ask myself the question:
Why should some parents treat their
children as they sometimes do?

These are little people. They matter and need to be
respected like everyone else.

I awoke this morning and shortly after my morning
deliberations my eyes saw some graphic
footage of a newly born, a full term baby, still attached
to the umbilical cord and not far away from the corpse, was the
placenta. Talk about about hate...

It appeared that it had been
delivered and just left... a very unsightly image.
It still looked like its
skin was intact, its hair, lush and black, all its
members all appeared well developed. Sadly that infant's
life was cut short and it deserved better.

I thought for a moment and felt utter disgust.
All the people who saw the photo ranted and were upset by it.
What display for the sanctity of human life.

My thoughts took a quantum leap all the
way forward to the years ahead
and how that child as it grew could have
been treated disgracefully instead of receiving
compassion and understanding from its parents.
What a disgrace! If an innocent child can be treated
as such, imagine what could result under different

Are there any clauses in paternity laws to protect children
and does it include the unborn?
what definition do we have for the unborn?

I thought longer and as my thoughts deepened it occurred
to me that some children are sometimes treated as if they
had aggressively petitioned their way into this life and so
for coming - and being unwanted that's how they are rewarded.

Honestly, paternity, does not have to be a disgrace, but
parental treatment that is cold and heartless and hurts a
child as mentioned in this post, or in any other crude way
makes you A Disgrace
and you give loving parents a bad name.

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